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The ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø offers graduate students an unparalleled immersion into the sites and monuments of Greek civilization. The School also affords many facilities, resources, activities, and other programs for scholars, teachers, and undergraduate students. 

Core Programs

Academic Year Program

Academic Year Program

Full academic year program (the Regular Member Program) offering advanced graduate students, from a variety of fields, an intensive survey of the art, archaeology, history, and topography of Greece, from antiquity to the present. Students receive comprehensive training through visits to archaeological sites and museums, as well as in seminars. Excavations training program at Ancient Corinth also included. Enrollment: 15 to 20 students

Independent Research

Independent Research

Acceptance of Membership at the School is a prerequisite for students or scholars wishing to make use of the facilities outside normal visiting hours.

Summer Session

Summer Session

June 10 to July 24, 2024
The Summer Session is a six week intensive introduction to the sites, museums, and monuments of Greece with onsite learning. Open to graduate and advanced undergraduate students, as well as to high school and college instructors. Enrollment: 20 participants.

Summer Seminars

Summer Seminars

Warrior Sailors, Traders, and Pirates: Aegean Islands Through the Ages (June 17 to July 5, 2024) & Alexander to Actium: The Archaeology of Hellenistic Greece (July 11 to July 29, 2024) 
Two on-site seminar offerings. Each 18-day session focuses on specific topics led by internationally known scholars, and visit major monuments and sites. Topics change each year. Enrollment, each seminar: 20 participants.

Agora Excavation Summer Volunteer Program

Agora Excavation Summer Volunteer Program

Allows students to excavate in the Athenian Agora, in the heart of modern Athens. The excavation season is eight weeks each summer (early June to early August), five days a week. 

Archaeological Conservation Summer Internships

Archaeological Conservation Summer Internships

The Excavations Conservation Laboratory offers two to three Archaeological Conservation Internships during the Agora Excavation's summer season. The internships will give students an opportunity to treat freshly excavated archaeological finds and to participate in an active on-site conservation laboratory.

Bioarchaeology Course

Bioarchaeology Course

An intensive week-long course in bioarchaeology to introduce participants to the analysis of human skeletal remains from archaeological settings. The objective of the course is to familiarize participants with the study of human remains and the diverse information they can offer about life and death in the past. Enrollment: 12

Micromorphology Course

Micromorphology Course

The intensive week-long course will primarily focus on deciphering site formation processes and micro-stratigraphy. Students will receive instruction in optical mineralogy, description of micromorphological thin sections, and analysis of soil fabrics and sedimentary microstructures. Enrollment: 9 participants

Site Formation, Stratigraphy, and Geoarchaeology Course

Site Formation, Stratigraphy, and Geoarchaeology Course

A week-long field school focused on archaeological context, geoarchaeology, and material sciences. Students will participate in the excavation. Through field observations, on-site laboratory analysis, and lectures, students will learn about archaeological sediments and deposits, as well as gain experience to understand site formation processes. Enrollment: 12 participants

Ancient DNA Course

Ancient DNA Course

An intensive week-long course to introduce participants to methods and applications in ancient DNA (aDNA) research. The main objectives are to offer a theoretical and basic technical training in the analysis and interpretation of aDNA data through lectures, seminars and interactive hands-on practical sessions. By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with most aspects of aDNA research and the different insights aDNA can offer into the past. Enrollment: 16 participants

Gennadius Library Medieval Greek Summer Session

Gennadius Library Medieval Greek Summer Session

Summer 2025
A month-long program in intermediate level Medieval Greek language and philology at the Gennadius Library, with site and museum trips. Graduate students and professors from any university worldwide may apply. Held every other year. Enrollment: 12 participants

Call for Excavation Supervisors for the 2024 season in the Athenian Agora

The Agora Excavations are looking for Supervisors for the excavations of the Athenian Agora.

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Call for Excavation Supervisors for the 2024 season at Ancient Corinth

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Fellowships to Support Study at the School

The ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø has over 25 fellowships available to Graduate students, as well as Post-Doctoral and established scholars. Deadlines: Various 

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Would you like to apply to lead a summer program?

If you are a scholar who is interested in leading a Summer Seminar or the Summer Session, click here to link to more information about open positions. 

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